Upcoming Events

- 02-11-2024 | 03-31-2024Brockton Church of God
- Time is TBDBrockton
- Sun, Jul 23Brockton
- Sun, Feb 05Brockton
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Join us on February 5th 2023 for a Night of Worship featuring the International worshipper Jean Jean. This is an event open to everyone, where we will come together and worship the night away as one. You can purchase your tickets on eventbrite or you can stop by the church and purchase one or more.
We’ve been praying and are excited to see you. So COME & invite a friend.

This Year Y4C wants to take their relationship with Christ to a new level. Join us at our first ever LOCK-IN. The night will start at 7pm and end at 7am. It’ll be a night of nonstop worship and prayer.
The Youth has been working diligently in preparing for this night, with different worshippers and preachers coming by to bless Brockton Church of God so please come by even if it’s for an hour or 2. We want you to tap in with us so it’ll be streaming live your viewing and collaborating purposes. More information to come.

Calling all Media Personael, Christian Content Creators, Praise and Worship Leaders, Praise Team Members, Musicians, Sound Engineers, Praise Dancers!!!!!
Have you ever felt stuck in ministry ?! Have you ever questioned your calling or purpose ? Have you felt unequipped or in need of more training ??
Well this is US we are taking the initiative to equip ourselves in the 2023 and all the years to come. This is one retreat you don’t want to miss….we have ministers coming all the way from Florida and NY to help us perfect our calling.
This time is ours to LET GO AND LET GOD !
Often times we know our calling, we hear our calling and we even start walking in our calling; but then fail because we weren’t equip at it and didn’t understand the mantle that we have to carry can at times feel like a cross that we must bear.
At this retreat we want to lay all at the altar and move forward in being who God has intended us to be so join MAY 5-7TH.
Registration will be opened soon for early bird. You can register on eventbrite or start your payment plans as early as today.